Thirty Days of Thanks - Day 24 - November 24

Today I'm thankful for modern conveniences.

I have a microwave oven, a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a washing machine and a dryer. I have indoor plumbing and water that comes out hot. I have a double oven, multiple televisions, alarm clocks that wake me up and computers to check the weather for the next ten days. I have a second refrigerator in my garage, cars, and a deep freeze. We have an electric lawn mower and a fireplace I can start with the flip of a switch.

The amount of time and effort saved by all these conveniences leaves me with more time to do other things--some good and worthwhile and some a total waste of time.

I know I'm very spoiled, but I'm very thankful to have them.


Mindy said…
Amen! We bought a new fridge yesterday because the one that was in this house is having a hard time staying shut, and it's older anyway. We were looking at other appliances, and thinking about how much fun it would be to buy all new matching appliances that were newer and prettier, and then I had a reality check. All of my appliances WORK, and they are more than some people have.