Missing My Brother, Bruce

Today is my brother, Bruce's birthday. He would have been 43 years old today. It's hard to wrap my head around. I've watched the rest of us grow up, have families, gain weight and lose hair. But Bruce is still that cute 16 year-old boy with the flat top. He's still young and strong and athletic. He still has a couple of teenage pimples mixed in with his cute freckles.

And we're still missing him. And still loving him.


missy said…
Sad. :( I'm sorry for your loss and that he didn't get to grow up, have a family, gain weight and lose his hair. A good reminder to cherish each day!
Anonymous said…
As we just go our email going, I will comment on the postings I missed while we were out of touch.
Love those grandkids!
Love basketball!
Lemon over chocolate and marzipan...
Happily ever after can be ours if
work hard for it!
May I have your autograph? I am so
proud of you. I want to be
at the dinner with you. );
Beautiful book..."Gifted"
Cookies, cards, very little jewelry
fuzzy socks, journals, SEES,
gorgeous flowers created for
Beautiful tribute to a wonderful
son, brother, uncle who is
gone, but never forgotten.
Love you lots. LMH
Leslie said…
missing bruce.
Clover Autrey said…
So sorry. I lost my son about a year ago and time doesn't heal. It really doesn't.